COCOAS KIDS で働く先へインタビュー!ぜひ一読ください♩



【COCOAS KIDS の好きなところ、仕事のやりがい/What do you like about COCOAS KIDS ?】

I really enjoy watching the kids learn how to communicate in English.
I also like how we all work as a team to get things done.
Working at COCOAS has been a really great experience overall.


【勤務環境はどうですか?/How do you feel about the work environment?】

Teamwork is at the core of all we do at COCOAS.
So being in a work environment where everyone works together for a common goal has been great!




【どんなことを心がけて保育していますか?/Whats your priority when you are providing childcare/ day to day work?】

My biggest priority is helping the kids learn to express themselves by giving them the language they need.



【保護者様へのメッセージ/What message do you have for Parents?】

I believe that exposing kids to diversity early on is a great way to help the next generation thrive.

thank you for choosing Cocoas Kids!  Let’s help your children grow and learn together!